Landscape consultation

Annual native plant sale

Sample landscape design. Click to enlarge.


The KNPS landscape committee promotes the use of our beautiful native plants in home and commercial landscapes through site consultations and landscape design recommendations. Made up of members with landscape experience and a passion for native plants, the committee has consulted on a number of public and private landscapes. Landscape consultations have also been done for non-profits as a courtesy, and given as raffle prizes and silent auction items at our fundraisers.

KNPS members can request a home landscape consultation. Several committee members will tour your property with you and make suggestions of appropriate plants. The committee will follow up with a list of recommended plants and a sketch showing their best planting locations. All they request in payment is a lunch -  more time for you to ask questions and discuss your landscape plans.

KNPS Landscape Book

First published in 2011, the KNPS book, Landscaping with Native Plants in the Idaho Panhandle, has helped homeowners and businesses learn more about native plants and how to incorporate them into local sites. For more about this book click here.

Why Use Native Plants

Landscaping with natives just makes sense. Because they evolved here and are perfectly adapted to soil, temperature and moisture conditions, native plants, once established, will thrive in a garden setting with minimal care. That means less watering, weeding and fertilizing for you. Native plants can provide outstanding color and texture in any yard. They can attract birds, butterflies and pollinators; serve as a groundcover, prevent erosion, stabilize streambanks, provide shade, create hedges and shelter for small critters. Let us show you how.

Contact the Landscape Committee